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8 Tips for Conducting an Excellent Remote Interview

by Rae Ringel

Remote interviewing is here to stay, as the pandemic and its evolving offshoot, the Great Resignation, continue to reshape the modern workplace. Today’s job hunters aren’t just looking to boost their salaries. They’re also seeking flexibility, well-being, and a workplace culture that aligns with their own values and sensibilities. Interviews that delve into these topics can give both parties valuable information about whether a prospective employee is likely to feel fulfilled and engaged at a particular organization. We can absolutely have these conversations “face to face,” even when we’re not in the same physical room. The author presents eight tips for employers seeking to master the medium in order to identify top talent from a distance..


Business Process Mapping: A framework for visualizing internal processes

By Sarah K. White

Business process mapping is a framework that helps companies create visual representations of processes within the organization. Mapped processes can include products, software, services and even the onboarding or offboarding of employees. Organizations also use this framework to improve current processes or to map out and brainstorm new ones. Process mapping is also useful for training, internal auditing, role assignment or RACI, compliance, workflow clarification and business process improvement.


Don’t underestimate the power of kindness at work

By Ovul Sezer, Kelly Nault, & Nadav Klein

Organizations benefit from actively fostering kindness. In workplaces where acts of kindness become the norm, the spillover effects can multiply fast. When people receive an act of kindness, they pay it back, research shows — and not just to the same person, but often to someone entirely new. This leads to a culture of generosity in an organization. The authors outline more of the research-backed benefits of kindness, share their own research on how giving compliments boosts happiness, and offer practical tips for managers who want to promote kindness on their team.

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